An Engaged Workforce – 6 practical steps to creating a coaching culture


A coaching culture = engaged workforce = productive, profitable and sustainable business.

This is by far the most challenging economic times in over two decades. Uncertainty and instability brought about by constant changes, restructuring, downsizing and mergers impacting on productivity, profit and employee morale.

Money used to buy market share; technology used to bring the competitive advantage. With accessibility and rapid changes this no longer rings true. What then is that magic formula that sets business apart?

An organisation’s people is what would set them apart from competitors. Engaging with employees, unlocking their talent and potential in creating high performing organisations.

In An Engaged Workforce, Dr Sha shares six practical steps to creating a coaching culture. She takes you on a journey of discovery to finding solutions to an organisation’s challenges of employee disengagement, loss of profit and productivity.

This step-by-step approach is a valuable tool for any organisation wanting to create a high-performing work environment with engaged employees impacting positively on the all-important bottom line.

In these pages you will uncover…

Create an engaging workforce that achieves your business objectives. Applying a coaching methodology to tap into the genius that exists within every individual for the benefit of the individual and organisation.

  • Understand the practices and culture of an engaged workforce
  • Know what to look out for in your organisation on unhealthy, unsupportive practices
  • Apply the 6 practical steps to create a coaching culture
  • Understand coaching and its benefits
  • Measure return on investment on coaching and other development interventions
  • Read and experience case studies and best practice on engaged and disengaged workforces
  • Learn how and why coaching can make a difference to profitability, productivity and sustainability
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